The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) :

The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) is the sole authority which facilitates formation of companies etc. and keeps track of all ownership related issues as prescribed by the laws in Bangladesh.The Registrar is the authority of the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh.

The activities of RJSC:
i. To incorporate Companies (including Trade Organization), Societies and Partnership Firms under the respective Companies Act 1994, Societies Registration Act 1860 and Partnership Act 1932, and
ii. To administer and enforce the relevant statutory provisions of these acts in relation to the incorporated companies (including Trade Organization), societies and partnership firms.
RJSC deals with the following types of entities:
i. Private companies
ii. Public companies
iii. Foreign companies
iv. Trade organizations
v. Societies, and
vi. Partnership firms
Applicable Acts
RJSC accords registration and ensures lawful administration of the entities under the provisions of applicable act as bellow:
  1. Companies and Trade Organizations: Companies Act, 1994 (Amendment of Companies Act 1913)
  2. Societies: Societies Registration Act, 1860
  3. Partnership Firms: Partnership Act, 1932

Name Clearance

: This is a pre-requisite for registration of a new company (other than Foreign Company) or a society or a trade organization.
Promoters of a new entity (company, society or trade organization) apply for, and RJSC provides name clearance for one of the proposed names upon satisfaction that it does not closely match or resembles with any of the already taken names (registered, booked or under the process of registration of the same entity type)


: Promoters of a new entity apply for, and RJSC issues a certificate of incorporation for a new entity upon satisfaction that the application conforms to the provisions of the applicable act and that requisite fees are paid.

Returns Filing

: Registered entities are to file returns in prescribed forms & schedules, and RJSC upon satisfaction approves and archives such records. There are two (2) types of returns, viz., Annual Returns and Returns for any Change in the Entity.

Issuance of certified copies

: Anyone can apply for certified copy of record(s) of an entity. In response to any such application and after getting requisite payment, RJSC issues certified copy of the historical records of an entity. Profit & loss account is however open to only authorized personnel of the respective entity.

Winding up

: A company having resolved to or the court makes an order or Memorandum & Articles of Association provide so for winding up of the company, submits to RJSC documents of winding up procedures and dissolution.

Struck Off

: RJSC strikes off the Register a company’s name if it is not in operation any more.
Submission of applications/returns
RJSC Computerized Application facilitates online submission of application/returns (through internet). If a RJSC client does not have access to internet (web),s/he may submit applications/returns of the following two(2) ways:
i. Using kiosks facility at RJSC (also an ‘Online Submission’) or
ii. Manual Submission at RJSC counter
Documents Constituting a Registration Application :
PRIVATE COMPANY (Companies Act, 1994)
  a. Memorandum & Articles of Association, original + 2 copies
  b. Filled in Form I: Declaration on Registration of Company [Section 25].
  c. Filled in Form VI: Notice of Situation of Registered Office and of Any Change therein [Section 77].
  d. Filled in Form IX: Consent of Director to act [Section 92].
  e. Filled in Form X: List of Persons Consenting to be Directors [Section 92]
  f. Filled in Form XII: Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein [Section 115]
  g. Evidence of Name Clearance.
  h. Special Adhesive Stamps and Treasury Challan from Bangladesh Bank to Treasury (photocopy) of Collecting the Stamps
PUBLIC COMPANY (Companies Act, 1994)
  a. Memorandum & Articles of Association, original + 2 copies
  b. Filled in Form I: Declaration on Registration of Company [Section 25].
  c. Filled in Form VI: Notice of situation of Registered Office and of any change therein [Section 77].
  d. Filled in Form IX: Consents of Directors to Act [Section 92].
  e. Filled in Form X: List of Persons Consenting to be Directors [Section 92].
  f. Filled in Form XII: Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any Change therein [Section 115].
  g. Filled in Form XIV: Declaration before Commencing Business in case of Company Filing Statement in lieu of Prospectus [Section 150]
  h. Filled in Form XI (if necessary): Agreement to Take Qualification Shares in Proposed Company [Section 92].
  i. Evidence of Name Clearance
  j. Special Adhesive Stamps and Treasury Challan from Bangladesh Bank to Treasury (photocopy) of Collecting the Stamps
FOREIGN COMPANY (Companies Act, 1994)
  a. Filled in Form XXXVI – Charter or Statutes or Memorandum and Articles of the Company or Other Instrument Constituting or Defining the Constitution of the Company.
  b. Filled in Form XXXVII – Notice of the Address of the Registered or Principal Office of the Company.
  c. Filled in Form XXXVIII – List of Directors and Managers [Section 379].
  d. Filled in Form XXXIX – Return of Persons Authorized to Accept Service [Section 379].
  e. Filled in form XLII: Notice of Situation of the Principal Place of Business in Bangladesh or of any Change therein [Section 379 (I)].
  f. Encashment Certificate Obtained From any Scheduled Bank.
  g. Permission from Board of Investment of Bangladesh.
TRADE ORGANIZATION (Companies Act, 1994)
  a. Memorandum and Articles of Association, original + 2 copies.
  b. Filled in Form I: Declaration on Registration of Company [Section 25].
  c. Filled in Form VI: Notice of Situation of Registered Office and of any Change therein [Section 77].
  d. Filled in Form IX: Consent of Director to act [Section 92].
  e. Filled in Form X: List of Persons Consenting to be Directors [Section 92].
  f. Filled in Form XII: Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein [Section 115].
  g. Government License (Trade License from the Ministry of Commerce).
  h. Evidence of Name Clearance.
  i. Special adhesive stamps and Treasury Challan from Bangladesh Bank to Treasury (photocopy) of Collecting the Stamps.
SOCIETY (Societies Registration Act, 1860)
  a. Memorandum of Association
  b. Evidence of Name Clearance.
PARTNERSHIP FIRM (Partnership Act, 1932)
  a. Filled in FORM- I: Statement Containing the Particulars of the Firm for Registration.
  b. Deed of Agreement on Partnership.
Document(s) to be submitted for annual returns:
  1. Schedule X – Annual summary of share capital and list of shareholders, Directors: to be filed within 21 days of AGM [Section 36].
  2. Balance Sheet: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
  3. Profit & Loss Account: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
  4. Form 23B – Notice by Auditor: to be filed within 30 days of receiving appointment information from the company [Section 210 (2)].
  1. Schedule X – Annual summary of share capital and list of shareholders, Directors: to be filed within 21 days of AGM [Section 36].
  2. Balance Sheet: to be filed within 30 days of AGM.
  3. Profit & Loss Account: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
  4. Form 23B – Notice by Auditor: to be filed within 30 days of receiving appointment information from the company [Section 210 (2)].
  5. Filled in Form IX – Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92]
  6. Filled in Form XII – Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
  1. Balance sheet
  2. Profit & loss account or income or expenditure account (if not trading for profit).
  1. Filled in Form IX – Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92]
  2. Filled in Form XII – Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
  3. Balance Sheet: to be filed within 30 days of AGM
  4. Income and Expenditure Account
  1. Annual list of Managing Body: to be filed within 14 days of AGM or in January if the rules do not provide for an AGM.
Documents to be submitted with the returns for change :
  1. Filled in Form III – Notice of consolidation, division, subdivision or conversion into stock of shares: to be filed within 15 days of consolidation and division etc. [Section 53 & 54].
  2. Filled in Form IV – Notice of increase share capital: to be filed within 15 days of increase of share capital/member [Section 56].
  3. Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
  4. Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
  5. Filled in Form IX – Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92].
  6. Filled in Form XII – Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
  7. Filled in Form XV – Return of allotment: to be filed within 60 days of allotment [Section 151].
  8. Filled in Form XVIII – Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21 days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391].
  9. Filled in Form XIX – Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be filed within 21 days of the date modification [Section 167(3) & 319].
  10. Filled in Form XXVIII – Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be filed within 21 days of the date satisfaction [Section 12 & 391].
  11. Filled in Form 117 – Instrument of Transfer of Shares.
  12. Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association
  1. Filled in Form III – Notice of consolidation, division, subdivision or conversion into stock of shares: to be filed within 15 days of consolidation and division etc. [Section 53 & 54].
  2. Filled in Form IV – Notice of increase share capital: to be filed within 15 days of increase of share capital/member [Section 56].
  3. Filled in Form VI – Notice of situation of Registered Office and of any change therein: to be filed within 28 days of establishment or change [Section 77].
  4. Filled in Form VII – Statutory report: to be filed after sending copy of the statutory report to the members not less than 21 days before meeting [Section 83].
  5. Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including name change, conversion onto private company, alteration of the memorandum of association, alteration of articles of association etc.: to be filed within 15 days of the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
  6. Filled in Form IX – Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92].
  7. Filled in Form XII – Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
  8. Filled in Form XV – Return of allotment: to be filed within 60 days of allotment [Section 151].
  9. Filled in Form XVIII – Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21 days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391].
  10. Filled in Form XIX – Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be filed within 21 days of modification [Section 167(3) & 319].
  11. Filled in Form XXVIII – Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be filed within 21 days of satisfaction [Section 12 & 391].
  12. Filled in Form 117 – Instrument of Transfer of Share.
  13. Prospectus for issue of shares: to be filed at least 3 days before the 1st allotment of share or debenture [Section 141].
  14. Prospectus following conversion of Private company into Public company [Section 231].
  15. Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association
  1. Filled in form XL: Notice of alteration in charter, etc. [Section 277].
  2. Filled in form XLI: Notice of alteration in the address of the registered or principal office of company [Section 277].
  3. Filled in form XLII: Notice of situation of the principal place of business in Bangladesh or of any change therein [Section 379 (I)]
  4. Filled in form XXXVIII: List of Directors and Managers [Section 379]
  5. Filled in form XXXIX: Return of persons authorized to accept service [Section 379].
  6. Filled in Form XVIII – Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21 days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391]
  7. Filled in Form XIX – Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be filed within 21 days of modification [Section 167(3) & 319]
  8. Filled in Form XXVIII – Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be filed within 21 days of satisfaction [Section 12 & 391]
  9. Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association
  1. Filled in Form VI – Notice of situation of registered office and of any change therein: to be filed within 28 days of establishment or change [Section 77].
  2. Filled in Form IX – Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92].
  3. Filled in Form XII – Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
  4. Filled in Form XVIII – Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21 days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391].
  5. Filled in Form XIX – Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be filed within 21 days of modification [Section 167(3) & 319].
  6. Filled in Form XXVIII – Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be filed within 21 days of satisfaction [Section 12 & 391]
  7. Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association
  1. Filing of Change of Address
  2. Filing of Alteration of Name
  3. Digital copy of original Memorandum of Association
  1. Filled in Form II – Notice of alteration of name or principal place of business of the firm.
  2. Filled in Form V – Intimation for recording of changes in the constitution of a firm [Section 63 & Rule 4 (6)].
  3. Filled in Form VI – Notice of intimation for dissolution of the partnership firm [Section 63 (1) & Rule (6)]Source: Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC)